UH 1 Iroquois

Iroquois Moccasin

first battle with Iroquois

Indian war Iroquois 1654

Flag of the Iroquois Confederacy

Iroquois Long House

Iroquois dance rattle

Iroquois cradle board

Iroquois medicine rattle

Iroquois Chief

Morning star and Little People Iroquois tale

Iroquois fire starter

Iroquois false face society

Iroquois Indians

Chapo Indian

Prayer to the spirit of the buffalo

Battle of Tippecanoe 1811

Pontiac Ottawa Chief

Lakota Sioux Indian village

Vapor Bath Minatarree

Ball Play of the Women Sioux

Bison hide moccasins c1250

Pawnee Pict wigwams

indian weapons