Insert Images without Downloading?

WPClipart has thousands of images.
No copyrights to fret over.
Lots of education-related images and clips...
(and loads of other useful and fun stuff, too)

"Hey -- maybe I'll grab some stuff at wpclipart to use in my Google Docs."
SURE CAN! And it's easy.

You don't even have to download the images from WPClipart to use them in your Google Docs. You can just plug the URL in when you insert a pix or clip. Read below to see how.

Get the Image URL

This is the Web "path" to the image you want to use in your document. On WPClipart the full-size images are shown on the display pages. You can also click the format buttons and see the image as a jpg, svg, webp, sometimes a PDF -- but the url to the image itself can be obtained directly from the display page.

Most internet users probably know this part, but lets quickly peek at how to grab the image URL from the most common browsers.

Google Chrome

On the display page, right-click on the image, then select "Copy Image URL"


On the display page, right-click on the image, then select "Copy Image Location"

Internet Explorer

On the display page,
right-click on the IMAGE FORMAT BUTTON
(below the image -- the link to the format you would like)
then select "Copy Shortcut"

Get URL from viewing the image

If you would like to use the image in a different format, you can always grab the URL from the address bar after clicking on one of the image links below the display page image.

For example, folks often opt to grab a JPG instead of the default PNG as it is generally a smaller file size. Below is a screen shot of an image displayed in Chrome browser, with the image URL in the address bar:

Insert Image into Google Doc

Got image, will insert!

OK, we know where to find them and how to get the URL, lets go over pasting into Google Docs. (You're going to feel goofy reading all this, it's so easy.) First, you are going to insert an image:

If you downloaded the image already you can choose the default "From this computer", but the point is to save time and trouble, so we're going to pick "From the Web (URL)".

Then paste the copied URL in
Enter image web address (Ctrl + V),
then click insert.

That's it. Looks like an image. In a doc. As the guy that maintains, I encourage folks to "link" images from WPClipart on Google Docs. I think it's great for everybody -- the visitor who wants to use the clip art does not have to download and upload anything, the image is fetched (not linked) from wpclipart and saved with your Google Doc on Google servers. So if millions of people view and admire your document, it does not burden the wpclipart site/server. And Google has huge buildings full of servers, making pages with your images come up nice and fast.

Of course, you can always download and personalize the images first :-)